
Copy Editor: 1 no.
They are responsible for planning and creating written materials. A few of the main duties of an editor are editing copy and improving on it, educate writers on best practices, identify ways to improve the flow of materials, and advise writers on content pieces. They also have to create a content calendar.He or She will do the Proofreading text to check for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. They also have to fact-check content like dates and statistics to ensure all published content is accurate for their readers.

Marketing Executives: 2 nos.
Developing and implementing marketing campaigns that promote a company's products or services. They may also work to promote an event or campaign for an organization , specially academicians and students too.

Web Designers and Developers: 4 nos.
Designing the layout, usability, and visual appearance of a website. A web developer is someone who builds and maintains the core structure of a website. A successful web designer must possess an array of creative, graphic, and technical skills.